Can Low Concentration Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Be Used For Water Plant Disinfection?

Publish Time: 2023-06-13     Origin: Site

Sodium hypochlorite solution is commonly known as bleaching water, is a light yellow, and has a pungent smell of the liquid, sodium hypochlorite has a strong oxidation, and easily soluble in water, often used as a water treatment disinfectant. However, due to the poor stability of sodium hypochlorite solution, decomposition reaction is easy to occur, so the water plant wants to use sodium hypochlorite as disinfection solution can only be obtained by on-site preparation. However, at present, the sodium hypochlorite generator on the market can only prepare a low concentration of sodium hypochlorite solution, and many people will ask whether this low concentration of sodium hypochlorite solution can be used for water plant disinfection?

The sodium hypochlorite generator produced by our company adopts no diaphragm technology, which has higher electrolytic efficiency, more drug production and lower power consumption than the traditional diaphragm electrolytic cell. However, the only disadvantage is that the concentration of sodium hypochlorite solution produced by sodium hypochlorite generator without diaphragm electrolysis is low, and the maximum can be about 6000ppm to 8000ppm at present. Even the low concentration of sodium hypochlorite disinfectant also has a strong oxidation, it will quickly dissolve in water quickly hydrolysis reaction, to produce sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide, hypochlorite can be further decomposed into new ecological oxygen. Hypochlorous acid is a small neutral molecule, without charge, will quickly adsorb on the surface of bacteria and viruses, and will gradually penetrate their cell membranes, reach the nucleus, and destroy their nuclei, because the cell membrane, the nucleus and various enzymes in it are oxidized, so bacteria and viruses will be unable to maintain themselves and be destroyed. Therefore, the use of low concentration sodium hypochlorite solution in the rewater plant has theoretical support. At the same time, according to the reaction of Hexang terminal customers, sodium hypochlorite generators in water plants can meet their disinfection needs, and compared with traditional liquid chlorine disinfection, it is higher in use and safety.

In summary, low concentration sodium hypochlorite solution can be used for water plant disinfection. This method of using sodium hypochlorite generator to prepare sodium hypochlorite solution on site not only meets the water treatment and disinfection of water plants, but also is welcomed by users because of its simple operation and convenient maintenance, and is worth promoting as a method of drinking water disinfection.

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